Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The painful effects of the global recession have led many businesses to analyze their operations and re-align their goals. Such businesses include IT services companies that were racked by huge mergers and acquisitions brought about by the recent economic lowdown.

The lessons learned from the past couple of years enabled IT managed services providers to formulate decisive and highly-developed alliances with customers to help them innovate their operational structures from the ground up. This means transforming provision and consumption-based partnerships to ones that measure real outcome.

Although the impact of the global economic crisis is still being felt by businesses today and companies are holding back their resources, MSPs (Managed Services Providers) have become more in-demand and organizations are being ardent on utilizing IT managed services due to the growing complexity of IT applications and infrastructures. What used to be managed internally by a company's own IT Department, IT hardware and application support is now being actively delegated to MSPs.

There are several reasons why outsourcing IT-related functions to MSPs has become an essential component of business growth and development:

• It reduces IT support costs by enhancing efficiency levels
• Quick access to highly-trained and on-call IT professionals
• Availability of 24/7 support
• Remote access to the company's computing environment which allows the IT personnel to quickly resolve issues
• Constant analysis and monitoring of IT-related problems
• MSPs set strict SLAs (Service Level Agreements) so companies are assured that systems are always functioning well

IT experts believe that even with existing market pressures, the IT managed services industry is set to grow exponentially due to the speeding evolution of technology, and IT executives must be on top of their games to stay competitive in an environment where change is constant and competition is stiff.

As the demand for IT managed services, companies offering the services are looking into using telemarketing as a tool in generating leads and acquiring new clients. IT telemarketing has been proven to be one of the most effective marketing practices that generates targeted and qualified traffic especially in the IT and software industries. IT companies choose to outsource their IT telemarketing needs to telemarketing companies that caters b2b industries. Choosing the right telemarketing company to do your marketing calling campaign is not that easy as you may think it is. There are telemarketing companies that promises to deliver quality service. However they give poor quality and unprofessional service. Don’t just be fooled by promises of these companies, do your research and only invest to professional telemarketing companies that have proven to provide quality telemarketing service.

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